From the Richmond Whig, 8/3/1861
THE SICK AND WOUNDED. - A large number of sick and wounded Confederate soldiers are comfortably provided for at the St. Charles Hotel, Masons' Hall, and the various other public and private buildings appropriated for hospital purposes. Citizens who have not yet taken to their homes any of the sufferers brought from Manassas, will find cases at one or the other of these hospitals, sufficiently convalescent to justify their removal to private residences, where the sympathy and attention of the household may ensure a more speedy recovery. Heads of families who are unable, from any cause, to receive patients into their dwellings, can aid in promoting the recovery of the sick by emulating the example of those humane and patriotic ladies referred to in the Whig a few days since, who obtained the use of a school room and furnished it at their joint expense, for the reception of patients - ten or fifteen of whom are now under treatment. This example has been followed in one or two instances, within our knowledge, and we commend it to others who desire to co-operate in the good work.