From the Richmond Dispatch, 1/13/1863, p. 1, c. 5
The City Council. - The regular monthly meeting of the City Council was held at 4 o’clock yesterday evening. Present; Messrs Saunders, Wynne, Denoon, Scott, Epps, Richardson, Haskins, Glaze brook, Stokes, Crutchfield, Griffin, Burr, and Grattan.
The 4th section of the Ordinance concerning the grounds and buildings owned by the city was amended so as to make it the duty of the Superintendent to report to the Auditor of the city all contracts relating to the use of the buildings or land belonging to the city, by which rents or other duce shall become payable to the city.
Two hundred and forty six dollars were donated to furnish the office of the Clerk of the 2d market.
A report was made from Thomas H. Wynne, Chairman of the Committee on the City Hospital, stating that the committee had succeeded in obtaining from Surgeon General Moore three wards of the C. S. hospital at Howard’s Grove, capable of accommodating ninety-seven patients, which had been opened for colored patients alone, and placed in charge of Dr. John P. Little, with suitable adjuncts in the way of a superintendent, housekeeper, and nurses. The City Hospital will be continued in the charge of Dr. A. Snead. The committee hope by these means to smell orate the condition of the sufferers by small pox. The report was received and adopted. In accordance with the suggestions of the committee, the 8th section of the health ordinance was amended so as to require every physician to report within twenty four house after its development each new case of small pox, and on failure to be fined ten dollars; and the section requires that every housekeeper shall hang out a white flag on the happening of any case of varioloid or small pox, or failing, shall pay a fine of five dollars.
On motion of Mr. Burr it was received that the Committee on the City Jail inquire if it be practicable in any way to enlarge the present jail, or add to it other buildings for the purpose of a jail, and especially what arrangements can be made by which criminals of every degree shall no longer be indiscriminately associated; and report to the Council.
Two thousand dollars were voted for the purpose of lining the division walls between the cells on the South side of the city jail, and otherwise strengthening the same.
Mr. Grattan offered a preamble relative to the use of our new city aims-house by the Confederate States Government as a hospital, [in which it was stated that they were now able to procure hospital accommodations for their patients elsewhere, the city was greatly in need of the building] accompanied by a resolution instructing the Committee on the Alms House to apply to the proper Confederate authorities for its surrender at as early a day as can be done with a proper regard for the health of its present inmates. The preamble and resolution were adopted.
The City Engineer reported to the Council that the six now cells building at the city jail were nearly ready for occupancy.
On motion of Mr. Saunders, resolved that the Committee on Arms are hereby authorized to furnish the volunteers from this city in the 1st Va with such as are now on hand belonging to the city.
On motion of Mr. Burr. resolved that the Committee on Oakwood Cemetery be authorized to give an order for shade trees to any citizen of Richmond who will set them out in front of any lot in the city, such trees to be removed from the nursery in the Cemetery by the applicants, under the keeper’s supervision.
On motion of Mr. Wynne, resolved that the Legislature of the State of Virginia be requested to so amend the laws relating to free negroes as to enable the authorities of this city to hire out free negroes for the payment of hospital fees.
The Superintendent of Oakwood Cemetery reported to the Council that from 1st September, 1861, to 1st January, 1863, 7,120 soldiers had been buried there. For quarter ending 31st December, 18 colored persons were buried there. For the same time 9 white females and 14 males.
On motion, adjourned.