From the Richmond Dispatch, 3/19/1861, p. 1, c. 6
Disorderly Boys. – A Mr. Stewart, proprietor of a boys’ school, located on Clay street, between 5th and 6th streets, was summoned before the Mayor yesterday on the complaint of his neighbors, who charge his pupils with being demonstrative nuisances of the largest caliber. It was proved that the parties in question, who are said to be the offspring of the elite of the city, were in the habit of throwing stones at people, threatening to cut them with knives when spoken to, playing bandy in the streets, throwing snow-balls, breaking windows, and being “sassy” generally. The testimony showed that the boys were noted for doing pretty much as they pleased, and had earned a local reputation admirably adapted to that insanely reckless course of conduct. Mr. James P. Tyler and others had never before seen similar specimens of the juvenile portion of the community. – The Mayor said the schoolmaster had perfect control over his pupils in or out of school, and the conduct complained of must be stopped, or each one of the urchins guilty of offence would be required to appear before him, by compulsory summons, to answer for “deeds done in the body.” The teacher modestly suggested that the boys were beyond his control when they passed the school-house door. The Mayor “took issue” on this, and announced that a decision would be promulgated whenever the next complaint should be entered against the implicated parties. As such decision will be on the side of law and order, the boys would do well to keep out of mischief.