From the Richmond Dispatch, 9/4/1862, p. 2, c. 1
Richmond, Va., Sept. 1, 1862.
THE undersigned begs leave thus publicly to acknowledge the receipt of the following contributions to the wounded soldiers of North Carolina in this Hospital. He cannot refrain from the expression of an emotion of pride in thus bearing witness to the alacrity with which the ladies and citizens of his beloved State have come forward to the relief of her defenders. In the names of our gallant brothers, who have attested their valor and patriotism in their blood; in the names of the friends of the sacred and glorious dead, who have yielded their lives in the cause of their country, he thanks the generous givers:
Contributions in Money
Ladies' Hospital Association, of Cumberland co, N C, $150
Miss Augusta M Solomon, $9
Ladies of Island Creek, Granville co, N C, through Mr Tanner, 50.
C H K Taylor, Esq, of Granville co, N C, $50.
Jas M Bullock, Esq, of Granville co, N C, $50.
Wm B Hughes, Esq, of Granville co, N C, $25.
Ladies of Tally Hospital, N C, through the Hon R B Gilliam, $24.
Ladies of Shiloh, N C, through Wm M Bennett, Esq, $73.
Mrs John Wilkes, Charlotte, N C, $100.
Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society, of Chowan, N C, by Dr Winborne, $50.
Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society, of Lenoir co, N C, by Mr A F Fleming, $10.
Contributions of Valuable Hospital Supplies.
Miss Augusta M Solomon, clothing, bandages, &c.
Ladies of Warrenton, N C, through clothing, bedding, vegetables, fruits, wines, &c.
Ladies' Aid Society, of Oxford, N C, clothing, bandages, &c.
Mrs Mary Kearney, Warrenton, N C, vegetables, fruits, &c.
Ladies of Greensboro', N C, through Prof Sterling, clothing, lint, bandages, soap, honey, &c.
Mrs S J Jones, Warren co, N C, clothing, hams, soap, &c.
Ladies of Forrestville, N C, through J K Howard, Esq, bandages, &c.
Mrs R C Holmes, Clinton, N C, clothing, pillows, &c.
White, Faulkner & Co, Warrenton, N C, 1 barrel vegetables.
T M Egerton, Esq, Warrenton, N C, 1 bbl vegetables.
T A Montgomery, Warrenton, N C, bread, &c.
Ladies of Lamberton, N C, bread, vegetables, brandy, &c.
W L Pomeroy, Esq, Raleigh, N C, one box eggs, &c.
Ladies of Smithville, N C, clothing, bandages, &c.
Ladies of Raleigh, N C, catsup, wines, honey, &c.
Mrs Wm Fowler, of Wilmington, one large tin of honey.
Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society, of Laurel Hill, N C, bedding, vegetables, fruits, clothing, &c.
Methodist Soldiers' Aid Society, Raleigh, N C, vegetables, fruits, &c.
Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society, Lenoir, Caldwell co, N C, one box stores.
Shiloh Soldiers' Aid Society, Granville co, N C, vegetables, fruits, &c.
Ladies of Louisburg, N C, clothing, bandages, wines, &c.
Ladies of Cotton Grove N C, clothing, vegetables, &c.
Samuel A Long, of Martin co, N C, one bbl vegetables, &c.
Soldiers' Aid Society of Windsor, N C, 14 packages, containing 100 chickens, vegetables, bedding, wine jelly, &c.
From Hillsboro', N C, one bbl rice, 2 bbls bacon hams, fruit, &c.
Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society of Chapel Hill, N C, box of ground slippery elm bark.
Besides these, several other packages of valuable contents have been received, the donors of which are unknown.
Surgeon in charge.