[Rules and Regulations, no date, for General Hospital #10]
Genl Hospl No. 10
1st Surgeons will report at the Hospl at or before 9 A. M., visit the wards under their charges twice daily, and notify the Surgeon in Charge before leaving the Hospital.
2nd On Monday Morning they will give a written report of al patients in their wards, and daily report all serious cases and changes from death, desertion, discharge, furlough & to the Surgeon in Charge.
3rd They will also recommend such as are proper for furlough or transfer stating name, rank, & co. and regmt, nature if wounds, nearest point of transportation to their destination.
4th Each Surgeon is held responsible for the cleanliness, ventilation, and good order of his ward, and should hold the chief nurse responsible in his absence, and report all idleness or dereliction of duty to the Surgeon in Charge.
5th Each Surgeon will furnish daily to the apothecary regularly numbered prescription and diet list for those of the sick or wounded under special treatment.
6th One Surgeon must always be on duty during the day and night and the officer for the night will visit the wards as often as necessary.
Rules and Regulations for Nurses
1st No noise or loud conversation at any time in any ward or department of the Hospital.
2nd No employees, nurses, ward masters are allowed to leave without permission from the Surgeon in charge of the ward. They are all subject to the same discipline as enlisted men of the army.
3rd Visitors may be received from 11 AM to 1 PM and from 5 to 7 PM . They should consult the Surgeon of the ward before bestowing articles of food upon the patients, and should not annoy them by unnecessary questions.
4th As far as practicable all business with the Surgeon in Charge should come through the Asst Surgeon.
5th The Surgeon of the ward must designate in rotation those nurses who will do duty during the night.
O. A. Crenshaw
Surgeon in Charge