From the New York Times, 11/26/1889


RICHMOND, Va., Nov. 25. - In the City School Board to-night a resolution was introduced looking to taking down the Jeff Davis mansion (for twenty years past used as a public school) and erecting upon the site a spacious and modern-equipped public school building. The resolution was referred to a sub-committee to report as to the plans and cost.

When the Confederate Government was removed to Richmond from Montgomery this building, previously the residence of Dr. John Brackenbrough [Brockenbrough - MDG], was purchased by the city and offered in fee simple to Mr. Davis as his home, but he declined the present. The Confederate Government, however, rented it to be used as "the White House of the Confederacy." Mr. Davis occupied it for four years. Then for four years it was used as the headquarters of Gens. Schofield, Canby, and other military Governors. After the readmission of the State into the Union the city took possession of her property and turned it into a public school.

Libby Prison has gone to Chicago, and the demolition of the "Jeff Davis House" would remove the most conspicuous souvenir of the Confederacy in Richmond. It is believed that some of the Chicago relic seekers will offer to purchase the material in the old house to remove to that city and re-erect there with Libby Prison.

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