From the Richmond Dispatch, 3/12/1863, p. 1, c. 5

Attempted Escape. – Three of the prisoners confined to Castle Lightning attempted to escape about 10 o’clock on Tuesday night. Their names are Kenny alias Clarke alias Morton, co. D, 10th Va. cavalry; Purdy of Johnson’s artillery, and Weise, of the 10th Va. cavalry. Information of the intended escape had been conveyed to Capt. Booker, who adopted the necessary measures to frustrate it. At 10 o’clock the parties commenced by moving the large stove-pipe passing through the floor into their room. They let themselves down by blankets until they reached the basement where others were preparing to follow, discovered the lookout and gave the alarm. The men named above scattered in the basement, and on the guard searching for two of them they were found in a corner under a huge pile of bread, intended for prison use. It is said the persons confined at this prison are to be removed to Castle Thunder.

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