From the Richmond Whig, 9/16/1861

SOLDIER SHOT. - On Friday evening, Joseph White, a member of the "Armstrong Guard" of Louisiana, was shot by Michael Mitchell, of the 1st South Carolina Regiment. Mitchell and another member of the same Regiment were proceeding to the camp, with a prisoner, when White stopped them, and after a parley, proposed a fist fight. Mitchell declined to put down his musket, and was finally struck, or struck at, by White, who immediately ran off. Mitchell leveled his musket and fired - the ball taking effect in White's right cheek, and glancing downwards, inflicting a mortal wound. Mitchell and his companions then proceeded towards their camp, but were arrested at the prison depot, by order of Lieut. Booker, who was informed of the shooting. White was taken to the St. Charles Hospital, where he died next morning. Mitchell, having been transferred to the custody of the civil authorities, was arraigned before the Mayor, Saturday, and committed until this morning.

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