From the Richmond Commercial Bulletin, 5/15/1865, p. 3, c. 3
RICHMOND COLLEGE. – This institution, which has always enjoyed a most enviable position among establishments for learning and literary accomplishment, is announced ot be opened during the present month for a temporary – or rather restricted – resumption of duties. On the beginning of the following session, which occurs in the month of October, it is presumed that the chair of the College will be filled by a most bale and efficient Faculty. At the beginning of the war the institution had six professors, filling the different departments of Ethics and Mental Philosophy, Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, Latin, Greek, Modern History and Languages and Mathematics; in addition to this, a preparatory, or academical, department was organizaed, under the direction of a tutor, whose duty it was to lay the foundation in the minds of his pupils for the more substantial fabrics to be placed upon it, in the higher classes. The war, of course, put an end to every establishment of this kind, and on the inception of hostilities the spacious building was occupied as a barracks for the Virginia artillery, and it was at this place that the far-famed Hoitzers and Fayette Artillery first ate the camp meal, or slept around the bivouac fire. Subsequently, during the Fall, there being a great demand for hospitals, the agents for the State of Louisiana, searching for a suitable place for their sick and wounded, pitched upon Richmond College, and until this time the yellow flag has waved over its roof. – The grounds and buildings, as might be expected, have been much abused and diverted from the uses to which they were originally dedicated; but a few months of steady labor will be sufficient to place them in order again. We presume that there will be no end of applicants for admission, both during the short session now to be commendced, as well as the regular resumption of collegiate exercises in the Fall.