From the Richmond Daily State Journal, 3/27/1872, p. 1, c. 2
THE WATT PLOW. – As we have often had occasion to remark, our farmers have no real occasion for going North for agricultural machinery, at least for the commonly used utensils. They are manufactured here in Richmond, and both time and money may be saved by patronizing homemade machinery. To show our farming friends that they cannot reasonably expect to fare better by going abroad for labor-saving farm machinery, it is only necessary to state the well-known fact that many Richmond patents now take the lead over all others, even in the agricultural West.
The plow mentioned at the head of this notice has stood the test of years, and is still growing in favor. It is literally covered all over with premiums and commendations from societies and competent judges, and what is more, wears laurels won in the field of practical use. The farmer who has used it commends it. It is a Southern plow, adapted to Southern soil, and has given universal satisfaction wherever used.
The Watt Plow is manufactured and sold by Messrs. Watt & Knight, 1452 Franklin street, Richmond, Va., and is sold at as low a price as any first-class plow in the country. Several sizes and styles are made. Farmers are invited to examine it. As the season for plowing is at hand, the Watt Plow should have a fair trial from those who have to buy this year.