From the Richmond Whig, 8/4/1865, p. 2, c. 5
Provost Marshal’s Office – First District – Thursday, August 3. – Jennie Howard, charged with being drunk and disorderly conduct, and threatening the life of Louisa St. Clair, was fined $10 and discharged.
Simon White, colored, charged with assaulting Billy Bowles, colored, was sent to the Castle for two days.
Billy was detained on a charge of vagrancy, and sent to Chimborazo Hospital.
Wm. A. Griffin vs. A. Hughes, breach of contract. Debt paid by Hughes.
Henry Kelson, colored, charged with stealing clothing, was discharged for want of evidence.
William L. Morris, charged with beating his wife, was discharged, no witness appearing.
John Kusick, 10th Conn., and T. Harrison, 24th Mass., charged with drunkenness, were sent to their regiments for punishment.
Sergeant Geo. Baily, 10th Conn., charged with desertion, sent to his regiment for trial.
Silas and Martha Winston, colored, for threatening the life of Fanny Barber, were discharged for want of evidence.