From the Richmond Sentinel, 6/3/1863

WINDER HOSPITAL. - There seems to prevail a general impression, not only among citizens, but also among the soldiers that Camp Winder is a very uncomfortable and gloomy place. This is a very great mistake, which we, as visitors, wish to correct. The wards we visited principally were those under the charge of Mrs. Irving, and not only are things neat and comfortable, but there is also much kindness and tenderness towards the sick and wounded. She always has a pleasant word for each one, and is known to many by the endearing title of "Mother." Anything that can be had to tempt the delicate appetites of those who do not relish ordinary food is procured. Nor can we speak too highly of the surgeons and others connected with this Hospital, who are faithfully performing their duties, and thereby nobly serving their country.

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