From the Richmond Examiner, 1/16/1866, p. 3, c. 7
VERY VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF GRACE AND TWENTIETH STREETS, LARGE TOBACCO FACOTRY AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF FRANKLIN AND NINETEENTH STS., AND VERY BEAUTIFUL LOTS ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF CLAY AND ELEVENTH STREETS, FOR SALE AT AUCTION. – At the request of Mr. William H. Grant, we shall sell at auction, on the premises, on THURSDAY, the 18th of January, 1866, at 3 ½ P. M., that VALUABLE LOT located at the corner of Grace and Twentieth street, and running back 130 feet, which will be divided into four building lots, each having a front of 30 feet.
After which will be sold that large four-story BRICK TOBACCO FACTORY at the northeast corner of Franklin and Nineteenth streets, 120x50 feet, with large Kitchen and other buildings in the rear, with sheds running the whole of one side, and the rear yard paved, built with the best materials and of superior workmanship, and not only admirably adapted for the manufacture of tobacco on a large scale, but for other kinds of business; or, by an outlay of a reasonable sum of money, the factory could be converted into five stores, each 24x50 feet.
And on the following FRIDAY EVENING, the 19th of January, at 4 o’clock P. M., will be sold that truly beautiful LOT at the northwest corner of Clay and Eleventh streets, adjoining the residence of Mr. Grant, fronting 82 feet, running back 152 feet to a wide alley or street, to be divided, if desired, into three lots, each having a front of 27 ¼ feet.
The foregoing real estate is justly regarded as very valuable, and should attract the attention of capitalists and others.
TERMS – All sums under $1,000, one-third cash; balance at four and eight months. Over $1,000, one-third cash; balance at four, eight and twelve months – in either case for negotiable notes, with interest added, secured by a trust deed; the taxes for 1866 to be paid by the purchasers.