From the Richmond Dispatch, 4/7/1862, p. 2, c. 4
Company B. – The Government employees in the different Departments have shown a commendable spirit in promptly enrolling themselves into military organizations to aid in expelling the invaders from our soil. Company B, of the Richmond Arsenal battalion, was organized last week by the election of the following officers: Robert Boyce, Captain; Francis P. Gianini, 1st Lieutenant; George C. Cornick, 2d Lieutenant; Peter P. Mason, 3d Lieutenant; and James T. Butler, Orderly Sergeant. Nearly all of the men employed in the Government workshops including many clerks and others in the War, Navy, State, and Treasury Departments, have formed companies for the defence of the Confederate States Capital, and will, in themselves, form no inconsiderable barrier to the easy access of Lincoln's myrmidons into Richmond.