From the Richmond Dispatch, 9/13/1866, p. 1, c. 5

INTERMENTS FROM CHOLERA. – One of our reporters attempted yesterday afternoon to ascertain the number of cholera interments in the cemeteries near Richmond since 1st instant, but was only partially successful. At the Shockoe Hill Cemetery there were eleven interments – seven white and four colored. At the “Mechanics” (colored), on the hill beyond, no record is kept of the causes of death, but the superintendent of the cemetery stated that the number of interments from cholera, in his judgment, did not exceed eight since 1st September. Most of the deceased negroes are buried in an open field at the expense of the Freedmen’s Bureau. No register of deaths is kept by the agent of the Bureau, and of course no information respecting the mortality from cholera could be obtained from him. No effort was made to get reports from Hollywood or Oakwood, as in the absence of data from the other cemeteries the figures would have been of little use. From all the facts gathered, we estimate the interments from cholera since 1st at an average of three a day, the heaviest mortality occurring since 5th instant.

The board of Health are called upon to do a great many things, and their time would be wholly occupied if they responded to the various suggestions made to them through the press and otherwise; but we may be allowed, in view of the fact above presented, to recommend that the Board invoke the Council to pass an ordinance providing for the proper registration of deaths in Richmond, as is done in every other well-organized city in the civilized world. We propose no plan for effecting this desirable object, as the ordinances of other cities can be referred to if the Council should be disposed to consider the subject.

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