From the Richmond Dispatch, 7/6/1901, p. 5, c. 5

New Phase of the Purchase of Van Lew Property by Virginia Club.

It was announced some days ago that the Van Lew property had been sold to the Virginia Club, and that the sale had been confirmed in the courts of the city. Such was the case, and it was generally understood that the action taken was final.

On yesterday, however, the Virginia Club, through its representatives, petitioned Judge Lamb, of the Chancery Court, to absolve them from the responsibilities of the sale, and to turn the property over to Mr. J. S. Moore, who was ready to take the property in at the price of $13,000. The petition of the club was granted by Judge Lamb.

It seems that there is some technicality in the way of the purchase of the property by the Virginia Club. This technicality was mentioned in the court papers presented, but no explanation of it was made. It is thought, however, that the constitution of the club forbids the borrowing of the sum necessary to the purchase, and that Mr. Moore was designated by the club to take the property in until they shall have arranged to meet the requirements of their laws and rules. The property now stands in the name of J. S. Moore.

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