From the Richmond Dispatch, 7/29/1864, p.1, c 6
City Council. – A special meeting of the Council was held at the City Hall yesterday morning. In the absence of the President (Mr. D. J. Saunders,) Mr. L. W. Glazebrook was called to the Chair.
The object of the meeting, as stated by Mr. Scott, was to present a petition from Lewis L. Barnes, Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, asking for the purchase of one thousand additional feet of engine hose in order to efficiently conduct the business of that institution. After a statement of the condition of the fire apparatus in use, Mr. S offered a resolution embodying the desires of the Chief Engineer, but subsequently withdrew in favor of one which was drawn up by Mr. Denoon, and which reads as follows:
Resolved, That the Committee on the Fire Department be authorized to purchase one thousand feet of hose, three barrels of dubbing, six hundred pounds of Italian packing, and two barrels of lubricating oil, for the use of the Water Works and Fire Department.
This resolution was discussed by Messrs Denoon, Scott, Walker, and others, after which it was unanimously adopted.
A communication was then read from Capt. John H. Parker, asking the Council to have removed from James River, a short distance from Rocketts, the obstruction which has been produced by the sinking of the steamer West Point. It was referred to a special committee, consisting of Messrs Walker, Scott and Griffin.
Mr. Scott presented a communication from the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, setting forth the fact that Mr. Wm. S. Weed, one of the foremen, had been absent from the city of Government business for the last six or seven months, and asking that his place be supplied by the election of another person. By the unanimous vote of the Council, the office heretofore held by Mr. Weed was thereupon declared vacant, and Mr. Wm T. Trueman was elected to fill the place.
After the transaction of some other unimportant business the Council then adjourned.