William A. Carrington CSR (M331): Summary of trends in Richmond hospitals, dated 2/9/1863.
Medical Directors Office
Richmond, Va Feby 9th 1863
The morning reports of the Hospitals in Richmond show a steadily progressive decrease in the number of sick and wounded, having in four months decreased from 13000 to 4752 in Hospitals: at the same time the number of attendants has actually increased, so that for this 4752 patients there are now 1443 nurses, 324 cooks, 342 Laundresses and 81 Stewards.
The regulations (Par 43, Med Regulations) allow a certain proportion of attendants to the number of Patients, the design being to detail men from the ranks to attend the sick and wounded as they are needed.
From the peculiarities of the sources of our labor, some modification of this is required. You are hereby required to take steps to have the number of attendants reduced according to the Med Regulations Par 43 as modified by Section 8 Gen Orders 95 Adjt & Inspectors Office, Richmond, Nov 25th/62. You are further directed not to allow a number for the number of beds reported as the capacity of each Hospital, but for the largest number of sick and wounded that the Hosl has averaged daily for any month during the last 4 months. Should the number of patients in any Hosl exceed this estimate, you will supply additional attendants required to it by transfer from Hospitals that require fewer than the number allowed.
Having reduced the number of attendants to accord with the regulations, you will furnish to Maj. Snowden Q.M. the number of attendants allowed by the regulations for the information and guidance of the pay masters.
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant,
Wm. A. Carrington
Surgeon & Act. Med Director
Chief Surgeon A. S. Mason
Richmond, Va.