Francis W. Hancock Compiled Service Record, M331, National Archives
Head Qrs Jackson Hospl
June 16 1864
In reply to yours of this date, I would respectfully state that there are six shed about completed, and the Main House for Office, Dispensary, Baggage & Linen Room. If the Quarter Masters would supply me with more workmen and a sufficiency of lumber I would have the whole place furnished and prepared for Five Hundred patients within a week, as it is, they have only 10[?] carpenters at work and I have 3 of mine. Requisitions have been made for cooking utensils and a bricklayer, from which I have heard nothing. If I can get the cooking utensils I can have two hundred beds ready by Sunday.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
F. W. Hancock
Surgeon in Charge