New York Herald, 4/25/1866, p. 6, c. 6

General Grant’s Visit to Richmond.

The Richmond Examiner of the 23d says: -

We have again to chronicle the arrival at the Spotswood Hotel of Lieutenant General Grant; this time, however, accompanied by Mrs. Lieutenant General Grant, her father, Mr. Dent, and Colonel Badeau, of the General’s staff. The distinguished party left Washington on Saturday morning by the Fredericksburg train, and reached this city at two o’clock in the evening, taking rooms at the Spotswood, our leading fashionable hotel. The Washington papers state that it was the intention of the General and party to visit the late interesting scenes of his campaigns – City Point, the Richmond front and Petersburg – for the purpose, as we suppose, of showing Mrs. Grant the leading features of the General’s strategy and military movements on these historic Virginia fields. It is to be expected the distinguished visitors will leave here to-day for Petersburg, though it is not known whether they will return to Washington.

RICHMOND, April 23, 1866.

General Grant last night decided to postpone his departure for Washington until to-morrow morning. He visited the theatre last night

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