From the Richmond Dispatch, 9/27/1862, p. 2, c. 3

Charged with Robbery. – A soldier, named John Pendergrast, was arrested yesterday about 3 o'clock, in the alley running between 13th and 14th streets, south of Main, and carried to Castle Thunder, on the charge of robbing a soldier belonging to Capt. Robinson's company of $450. From the representations of the party robbed, it appears that he and three other men were at the spring under Magruder's lumber-house getting a drink. He had his money in his hat, and when he stooped down to get a drink, Pendergrast's accomplice—one Lewis, a deserter from Wheat's La. Battalion—seized his hat and funds and ran off. When he attempted to give chase after Lewis, Pendergrast took hold of him and asked him what was the matter, and would not let him go till the other man had made good his escape. The three men were evidently leagued together, as the one who staid behind with Pendergrast assisted the latter to detain the man who was robbed. Pendergrast was taken in custody by order of Capt. T. M. Brown, and will, no doubt, be sent before the Mayor for examination to-day.

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