From the Richmond Whig, 8/4/1865, p. 2, c. 5

The Paymasters Have Come, and the soldiers are joyfully anticipating a “bully time” when they are paid off. There are said to be in and around Richmond about 16,000 troops – 15,000 in camp, and 1,000 on duty. The United States Treasury owes them, on an average, six to eight months pay. – Three army paymasters arrived in Richmond from Washington, on Wednesday, and the payment of the different regiments will take place within the next few days, if it is not already commenced. – The soldier who has been in camp for six or eight months without receiving his pay, has necessarily many wants; and as Richmond is chock full of everything entered upon the catalogue of his necessities, our merchants can meet all demands that may be made upon them.

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