From the Richmond Whig, 5/10/1867, p. 3, c. 1

A NEGRO RIOT – A CAPTAIN OF THE POLICE AND A POLICEMAN BADLY WOUNDED BY THE MOB – THE MILITARY CALLED OUT. – Yesterday opened as a gala day. The Delaware firemen and their Richmond brethren, with music and flags, and engines decked with flowers marched through the streets, and seemed as happy as if war and desolation had never occurred. As the crowds gathered along the line and looked with admiration at their manly bearing and splendid appointments, we thought there was reconstruction in earnest, but the day closed with a riot which caused every calm, thinking man in the community to conclude that if such things continue a war of races, with horrors untold, will inevitably follow.

We have manipulated with truthful care all of the facts which we were able to obtain during the exciting scene, which anywhere else but in law-abiding Richmond would have culminated in bloodshed and slaughter. There was a trial of the Richmond and Delaware engines yesterday afternoon on the dock, not far from Eighth street, when a slight altercation occurred between a Delaware firemen and a negro, who had given him offense. Soon afterwards Chief Engineer Charters, of the Richmond Fire Department, was endeavoring to ascertain by measurement the distances thrown by the respective engines, when a negro got in his way, and was ordered off. Feeling that he had been insulted, he knocked Captain Charters down, and in turn received several blows from the firemen near by. He was promptly arrested by Policeman Southall, who started with him to the second station house. This proceeding caused a commotion among the negroes, and there were soon loud cries of “Freedmen to the rescue,” and to the rescue they came, and succeeded in releasing the prisoner from his captor, who was struck upon the left shoulder by one of them with a brick and badly injured. He, however, pursued the prisoner, and despite the threats of the mob, which continued to increase as if by preconcerted arrangement, succeeded in again arresting him. He was himself then seized, and an attempt made to take his revolver, when Sergeant Pleasants came to his relief and prevented a second rescue. Not a street was passed that did not furnish its scores to the mob, but nothing serious occurred until the officers reached the corner of Broad and Seventh streets, where Capt. Jenkins, who had, in the mean while, with others of the police, reinforced the party, was struck upon the head with a brick, which gave him an ugly and, for all we know, a serious wound. Here a policeman, by order of his superior officer, drew his pistol, but did not use it. The prisoner was taken two squares further to the second station house, the mob still increasing in size and lawlessness, and there, at the very door, he was rescued again and taken in triumph up Marshall, thence to Broad street, where he was again arrested and a third time rescued by the mob.

During the riot it was alleged that young Irving, a son of the sexton of St. Paul’s Church, had struck one of them with a slung-shot, and he had to take refuge in a private house to prevent their taking his life. His brother was subsequently mistaken for him, and the police had to carry him to the station house for protection.

Before the mob reached fever-heat, Generals Schofield and Brown, accompanied by the Mayor, came to the corner of Broad and Seventh streets in a carriage, where General Schofield addressed the immense concourse assembled and ordered them quietly to return to their homes.

A posse of regulars proceeded, with system and effectiveness, to carry out the General’s order, and before many minutes elapsed the portion of Broad street where tumult had just before raged was as quiet as any part of the city. We cannot pay too high a compliment to the soldierly bearing of the military on the occasion.

Last night, up to the hour we went to press, the city was quiet and patrolled by soldiers.

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