From the Richmond Times, 9/9/1892, p. 2, c. 1

Arrangements for the Funeral To-Day at St. Paul’s Church – Action Taken by the Chamber of Commerce.

The train from Washington and the North, known as the fast mail, due here at 2:38 P. M., brought yesterday all that was mortal of the late General Joseph R. Anderson and his sorrowing family from the Isle of Shoals, where he died on yesterday.

Everybody, railroad officials and citizens vied with each other en route to Virginia in attentions and courtesies to make the trip as quickly and comfortably as possible for them. They left the Isle of Shoals at 1 P. M. Wednesday, and arriving here, were driven at once to the late residence of the dead General.

The detail from R. E. Lee Camp, No. 1, Confederate Veterans, who will attend his funeral to-day at 4 o’clock from St. Paul’s church, is composed of the following comrades: Colonel Alex W. Archer, Mayor J. Taylor Ellyson, Judge E. C. Minor, Captain James R. Werth, Colonel John B. Cary, General Charles J. Anderson, and Messrs. Greer H. Baughman, S. H. Hawes and Virginius Newton.

They are to meet at Lee Camp Hall at 3 P. M., where the quartermaster, Captain D. A. Brown, Jr., will have carriages in waiting. The sad procession will be taken up for the church and the rector, Rev. Hartley Carmichael, will officiate.

The Tredegar employees are requested to meet at Monroe Park this evening at 3 o’clock to attend the funeral. All former employees are invited to join them.


The pall-bearers will meet at the house at 3:30 P. M., and are as follows: Active – (the eight grandsons of the deceased) Archer Anderson, Jr., J. R. J. Anderson, St. George Anderson, Morris Anderson, J. R. A. Hobson, Edwin L. Hobson, Jr., Graham B. Hobson and DeGraffenreid Hobson.

Honorary – Robert Stiles, Philip Haxall, Judge Crump, R. G. Pegram, Anton Osterbind, Edward Wade, Gordon McCabe, Thomas G. Peyton, John Purcell, Gideon Davenport, Dr. McCaw, George P. Perrini, Garland Mallory, Adolphus Blair, P. H. Mayo, James H. Dooley, Judge Wellford, J. H. Montague, Major E. T. D Myers, H. E. C. Baskerville, Joseph Bryan, William E. Tanner, General Peyton Wise, F. W. Chamberlayne, H. D. Whitcomb, Colonel A. S. Buford, A. L. Boulware, Charles S. Stringfellow and Tazewell Ellett.

Chamber of Commerce.

Pursuant to notice in the papers, a meeting of the Richmond Chamber of Commerce was held yesterday evening at 6 o’clock to take suitable action in respect to the memory of General Joseph R. Anderson. After the announcement of the object of the meeting by Judge George L. Christian, the president of the Chamber, Mr. John S. Ellett moved that a committee of four be appointed to draft suitable resolutions, and that the president of the Chamber be added to the committee as its chairman. Judge Christian then appointed as his associates for this purpose Mr. John S. Ellett, Mr. John H. Montague, Colonel Jon B. Cary and Colonel John B. Purcell.


The committee after having retired reported through its chairman the following preamble and resolutions:

The Chamber of Commerce of Richmond, having heard with profound sorrow of the death of General Joseph R Anderson, who from its organization was one of its most active and useful members, and at one time its honored president, desires to place on record this imperfect testimonial of its appreciation of his worth and character as a man and as a member of this body.

For nearly half a century General Anderson was actively engaged in business in this city, and during all that time he was at the head of one of the most important manufacturing establishments in the South.

The Tredegar Company has contributed as much to make Richmond known as a manufacturing and commercial centre as any enterprise ever established here, and its capacity and usefulness in this direction was principally due to the ability, energy and character of its president.

But General Anderson’s usefulness as a citizen and business man in this city was not confined to any one interest or in any one direction.

He was a charter member of this Chamber, which was organized for the advancement of all the interests of this city and State and it may be safely said that no man who ever lived in Richmond more completely filled the measure of what is demanded of the truly good and useful citizen than he did.


One of the characteristics of General Anderson was that whilst always immersed in the affairs of the great enterprise of which he was acknowledged head, he was never too busy, but was ever ready to contribute his time, his talents and his substance to any and every cause which tended to the public weal.

As a representative in the General Assembly of the State, in the Councils of this city and in this and other commercial organizations his counsel and guidance were sought and heeded, and he was ever foremost in these bodies and elsewhere, both in thought and in action, in giving direction to all those measures which tended to the upbuilding of the interests of his native State, and especially those which looked to the advancement of Richmond, for the interests and people of which his heart at all times yearned with a devotion which was as beautiful as it was grand and lasting; therefore be it

Resolved, 1. That in the death of General Joseph R. Anderson the State of Virginia has lost one of its noblest and best citizens, one who was devoted to her history and traditions, and who, with others of his noble name, have contributed much to the establishment of her present and ancient renown.

2. That this city has lost one of the most useful, enterprising and exemplary citizens it ever had; one devoted to its every interest and who was always foremost in counsel and material aid in advancing those interests by every means in his power.

3. That this Chamber mourns the death of its late president as a great bereavement to it individually and collectively, that his wise counsels and ever-ready and generous aid will be sadly missed in our future efforts in behalf of our city and State, and that we regard the death of such a citizen as a public calamity.

4. That as a further mark of respect this Chamber will attend his funeral in a body; that these proceedings be spread on our minutes, and that a copy be furnished to the family of the deceased, with the assurance of our deepest sympathies in their irreparable loss.


In offering these resolutions Judge Christian said that unused as he was to the language of eulogy and as unprepared as he was, he was unwilling to let this occasion pass without giving some expression to his feelings, and he hoped his imperfect remarks would be added to by others who would speak after him that this was no ordinary occasion; that General Anderson was no ordinary man; that he was cast in a large mould; that he did nothing by halves; that for one-quarter of a century he had been thrown with him in the City Council, and that there it was his observation that the General was the moving spirit of that body and that when he was elected as its presiding officer no one else was thought of, his pre-eminent qualifications for the position being recognized by all.

He felt that he could not say too much in praise of the public spirited devotion of General Anderson to everything that related to the welfare of his people, and that if he, the Judge, could have a wish for the present generation, and especially the members of the Chamber, it would be that they should emulate this example, and that composed of such material, the influence of the Chamber would be irresistible and its power for good almost unlimited; that it did not matter how tired or how busy General Anderson might at any time be, if any call was made upon him in the interest of the public, his only question was whether he could best and how he could best respond to such demands, that of him it might truly be said that he was a benediction to the city, and in his death an irreparable loss had been sustained.


Colonel Purcell said that as an ex-president of the Chamber, he felt that he would be remiss in not adding his testimony to that of Judge Christian, whose remarks he fully indorsed; that his earliest recollections and connections with the Chamber were associated with General Anderson, whom he had then and ever since regarded as a model citizen whose life would be emulated by all; that what little he had done in his official connection with the Chamber, his recollection of General Anderson had always acted as an incentive, and that during the incumbency in office he had always felt that there was no one to whom he could appeal in any emergency with such a full assurance of aid and support as to General Anderson; that he was lavish with both his means and his time, and that it was a privilege to have succeeded him in the office of president of the Chamber, to which office by his life and character he had added luster; that it was no fulsome eulogy to say that he was probably the first and most public-spirited citizen of Richmond.


Colonel John B. Cary then said that he would not undertake to do more than speak briefly of two of the striking characteristics of General Anderson – his public spirit and his eminent fairness in the consideration of public measures; that these qualities were conspicuously shown upon the occasion of his first meeting him, forty years ago at the Salt Sulphur Springs as chairman of a committee of thirteen; that he, Colonel Cary, was upon this committee as a representative from Tidewater, and that the committee contained some of the brightest intellects in the Commonwealth – such men as Ballard Preston, John Minor Botts and John Y. Mason – and that the question under consideration by that committee was the system of internal improvements in the State of Virginia, involving the development of its principal railroads, which being of different grads appeared to be checked in the growth; that after a sitting of three days the committee was equally divided, and with absolute danger of a failure of these enterprises unless the conflicting views were harmonized, they referred the question to General Anderson, and by his influence this danger was averted. From his impression of General Anderson on that occasion, and in all of his intercourse he fully agreed with Colonel Purcell that too much could not be said in praise of General Anderson’s public spirit.

Upon the conclusion of Colonel Cary’s remarks, on motion of Mr. H. L. Staples, the resolutions of the committee were unanimously adopted by a rising vote.

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