From the Richmond Examiner, 12/22/1865, p. 3, c. 4


– Wednesday evening, about 6 o’clock, a most desperate affair, which is enough to make every one tremble in anticipation of robbery and murder, occurred at the trimming and clothing store of Mrs. Faulkhaber, on 6th street, between Marshall and Clay streets. At the above hour, while Mrs. Faulkenhaber and another lady were engaged alone in the store, three men wearing the uniform of United States soldiers entered. One of them pretended to be examining some clothing, while the other two eatched their opportunity, seized with ruffian hands the ladies by the neck, choked them down upon the floor, and snatching up what money and clothing they could hastily snatch, fled together into the street. The ladies, as soon as they recovered sufficiently to do so, screamed for help, which soon arrived, but the scoundrels were nowhere to be found.

One of them left behind a regulation cap marked “Company F,” which should be at once placed in possession of the police, that it may aid them in tracing out the perpetrators of this great outrage and audacious robbery. It is bad enough when garroters can, with almost impunity, take citizens by the throat on the street, but when they have the boldness to penetrate within doors and execute their mission, it is indeed time for the authorities to wake up.

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