From the Richmond Examiner, 2/2/1864, p. 1, c. 2

ARRESTS MADE BY THE MAYOR’S POLICE – We give below a statement of the number and character of arrests made by the police of Richmond in the past ten months. The figures will astound those who have not watched the police records of the period published in the daily papers:

 Arrests made by the day police (eleven in number) of parties charged with felony 1,485
 Arrests made by the same parties, charged with misdemeanor 4,148
 Total number of arrests by day police 5,633
 Arrests by night police (thirty-six in number) of parties charged with felony  299
 Arrests by the same of parties charged with misdemeanor, 5,562
 Total number of arrests by night police  5,861
 Total number of arrests, of all grades, by night and day police  11,494
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