From the Richmond Times, 8/5/1902, p. 1, c. 1

Escaped from Libby Prison; Now Trying to Escape Jail.
(Special Dispatch to The Times.)

NEW YORK, August 4. – Francis Irsch escaped from Libby Prison during the civil war, and is now trying to escape from Ludlow Street jail with the aid of the Supreme Court.

He was once a prosperous merchant, and to-day scores of affidavits were presented on his behalf by noted men of this city.

Irsch is in jail for contempt of court in failing to pay some $4,000 alimony to his wife.

The most prominent plea made for him to-day was by General Wagner Swayne, who said: “Defendant was one of those who escaped from Libby Prison through an underground tunnel, dug by themselves under circumstances of great peril, which in affiant’s judgment commends him as a good soldier who underwent that for his country, and is now old, infirm and poor, to the merciful consideration of the court.”

It is generally understood that Irsch will be released on Thursday on account of this plea.

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