From the Richmond Commercial Bulletin, 5/6/1865, p. 3, c. 1

CHEAP BREAD. – A month ago the citizens of Richmond were paying two and three dollars for loaves of bread about the size of a fist. A change has come over both the size and price of bread since the occupation of the city by the United States forces. By direction of Major General Ord, bread is now sold in the city at six and a quarter cents per loaf of eighteen ounces, so that the poorest can at least have bread.

For the information of our readers, we will state that the bread is sold at the following places – No. 115 Broad street; corner of 8th and Main streets; No. 316 Broad street; No. 77 Main street; No. 113 Broad street, and corner of Hull and Allen streets, Manchester.

Any person or persons detected buying this bread to sell again, will be arrested, and have their goods seized by the Provost Marshal.

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