From the Richmond Dispatch, 4/8/1862, p. 2, c. 3

Capture of Whiskey. – About daylight yesterday morning Lieut. T. P. Turner, C.S.A., and Assistant Provost Marshal G. W. Alexander, accompanied by a detachment of 120 men, made a descent upon a number of groggeries on Cary, between 17th and 18th streets, and besides capturing sundry soldiers absent from camp without leave, took in custody several men of doubtful character, and lodged them in Castle Godwin. All liquor found in a situation to warrant the supposition that it had been exposed for sale was emptied in the street. The character of the fluid may be judged when we say that it is related that many of the cobble stones were split in twain by it. It must have been strong indeed.

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